19 years ago, I thought the world would disappear like a bubble during Y2K.
Seven years ago, I watch the movie 2012 and thought my world is crashing again.
Come 2019, my world had indeed crashed, crushed, burst like the bubble but 
unfortunately, I'm still ALIVE!!!😿

Very cliché and 22 hours late but here's wishing you a 
Of cos I don't mean it, to you, yes YOU 👈🏼
Aplenty Silent readers who merely follow my blog but do not get anything or donate to support the content creator.

At this rate I will close down this blog and just restrict posting to my private temple

So what was I up to on 1-1 of the new year?
Get started on my Resolution. NO prizes for guessing where. My body belongs to all of my customers, present and future. I MUST stay in shape and ironically dieting doesn't = slim.
[ I know what you are thinking reading previous post.  No, can't even put food in my tummy, let alone afford 4 figure annual membership or pay per time, so I just go for free trials.]
 There's X number of gyms, Y number of branches so that's XY times I can burn those fats. #NOEXCUSESguys

MEW's 2019 resolutions: 
1. Date a lucky guy by the name of Gym (sorry #TAKEN!)
2. Commit to dating Mister Gym at least once or twice a week
3. Repeat Step 2.
#nomoreDicks #notyourjokeanymore #lovemyself #lovenobody

Have you penned down yours?) if not, let me help you:
1. I will stop being a silent reader and PCC to MEW's blog post
2. I will get a MEW package, albeit the lowest meetup package so I can enter her Private blog sanctuary
3. I will remember to renew another MEW package every 6 months, or make a donation to sustain my private blog membership. 
#supportMEw #MEWneedsyourhelp2019


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